주소 1133 Broadway, Suite 1520 New York, NY10010
전화번호 +1 646-674-0001
팩스번호 +1 646-674-0002
홈페이지 www.geos.net
설립년도 1973년
학교위치 New York New York City(Manhattan)
운영레벨 6레벨
학급당 학생수 평균 11명
한국학생비율 35%
평균재학생수 평균 150명
국제학생비율 아시아/기타 40%, 남미/유럽 25%
소재도시 New York City(Manhattan)
학교종류 사설학교
시험코스 Reception Area, Student Lounge, Student Computers, Kitchenette, Self-serve Cafeteria
학교주요시설 ACCET
GEOS는 영어교육을 통하여 국제간의 의사소통을 촉진시킨다는 목표아래, 1973년에 설립되었습니다. 현재, GEOS는 유럽, 북미, 동남아, 북아시아 그리고 오세아니아에 걸쳐서 500여 개의 어학교 및 대학들과 네트워크를 구성하고 있으며, 이런 지역들에서 흥미롭고 다채로운 문화와 생활관습의 직접 체험을 영어실력을 향상시킬 수 있는 기회를 전 세계의 모든 학생들에게 제공하고 있습니다. GEOS는 우수한 서비스와 전문성 그리고 국제적인 경쟁력을 바탕으로, 다른 영어교육 기관들과의 차별화를 지향하고 있습니다.
미국 북동부 뉴욕 주 남동부의 시. 허드슨 강 어귀에 자리잡은 항구도시이며 미국에서 가장 큰 도시권의 도심지입니다. 맨허튼, 스태톤. 롱 섬의 서쪽 끝부분, 본토의 일부, 뉴욕 항과 롱아일랜드 해협의 여러 섬으로 이루어져 있습니다. 이 도시권은 인접한 뉴욕, 뉴저지, 코네티컷 주의 일부에까지 뻣어 있습니다. 뉴욕 시에는 정반대의 것들이 너무 흔하게 공존합니다. 지리적인 면에서나 인구통계적인 면에서나 세계에서 가장 복잡하고 경제활동이 가장 다양하며 문화활동 또한 가장 풍부하고 다각적인 도시입니다.
뉴욕의 공립교육은 시민들의 사회적 출세욕을 생생하게 반영하고 있습니다. 시의 학교체계는 31개 학구를 바탕으로 이루어져 있습니다. 각 학구에는 투표로 선출된 의원회가 있습니다. 이들 학구 의원회는 국민학교와 중학교의 행정업무를 담당하고 지역교육위원회의 교육감을 선출하며 교사들을 임명하고 학교의 증축과 개축에 관여합니다. 학교체계의 최고 행정책임자인 학장은 시 전체의 교육위원회에서 뽑습니다. 교육위원회 위원들은 시장이 임명합니다. 교육체계안에서 장애자나 회복기 환자를 위한 직업학교, 사회부적응자들을 위한 매일학교, 수업일수를 늘이고 개별지도를 실시하는 실험적 교육 프로그램도 포함됩니다. 특별교육 프로그램은 9학년에도 적용되어 불우한 학생들이 대학입학을 준비하도록 해줍니다.
뉴욕은 미국에서 유일하게 대규모 공립대학체계를 갖춘 시입니다. 자유입학 방식을 실시하기 때문에 고등학교 졸업자는 누구나 성적에 따라 4년제 대학이나 2년제의 지역사회대학으로 진학 할 수 있습니다. 2학년제 고등교육기간으로 30개 사립학교와 8개 공립학교가 있으며 4년제 교육기관으로는 사립 95, 공립 17개가 있습니다. 사립대학교들은 정규과정 외에 특정분야의 학문을 연구할 기회를 줍니다. 예를 들어 콜롬비아대학교는 러시아에 대한 연구를 하며 저널리즘으로 유명합니다. 포드햄대학교에서는 중세학을 다룹니다. 뉴욕대학에서는 예술학 과정들을 마련합니다. 줄리어드 스쿨은 음악, 연극, 무용 분야에서 세계적 명성을 갖고 있고 록펠러대학교는 생명의학으로 유명합니다.

기후조건 - 날씨 (고/저)
겨울 : 9/-4 봄; 22/-1 여름 : 28/13 가을 : 26/1
대외적인 평가
수업료가 저렴하면서 수업 충실도가 높아 학생들의 호응도 높은 편이다.
뉴욕의 GEOS Language Institute은 미드타운과 맨하탄의 남쪽, 뉴욕 하버가 보이는 15 번 아비뉴와 42번 스트리트가 만나는 코너에 있는 30층 건물에 위치하고 있습니다. 맨하탄 미드타운의 중앙에 위치해 있고 Times Square와 Broadway 극장으로부터 몇 걸음 떨어진 이 학교는 수준높게 교육받고 경험을 쌓은 교사진들에 대해 자부심을 가지고 있으며 이들 대부분은 해외에서 가르친 경험을 가지고 있습니다.
[Part-Time Course]

*언어에 대한 통찰과 문화를 경험하는데 집중하기 좋은 과정
(1주 10레슨/1주 7.5시간, 1레슨에 45분)

***Note: Students choose to study one of the following courses: Integrated Skills, Active Listening or an Elective.

문법구조 및 사용법 완성, 어휘를 사용한 의사표현, 토론 및 발표

*Integrated Skills
Integrated Skills focuses on the four main English skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - through a “Communicative Language Teaching” methodology. New grammar patterns are learned in the context of a conversation or a real-life situation. Students will engage in various activities to practice English including listening tasks, role playing, and stimulating discussions. Practical reading and writing tasks and vocabulary studies are presented as well in our 6 available levels.

*Active Listening
In Active Listening, students will cover a variety of topics while practicing English conversation management, conversational styles, and pronunciation. Students learn commonly-used idioms and slang in a communicative way. Teachers also use various activities to introduce students to these new idioms including listening tasks, role playing, and context-relevant discussions. There are 6 different levels available for students.

Students of the Super-Intensive English Program are able to choose an elective course that interests them and/or benefits their English goals. We offer a variety of courses including TOEFL iBT Test Preparation, TOEIC Test Preparation, IELTS Test Preparation, Academic Writing, Business English, Pronunciation, and others.

*Part-time Program Features

All of our courses follow a comprehensive curriculum with a primary focus on oral communication - speaking and listening. Well trained and highly qualified instructors help students improve their conversation skills through a variety of classroom activities. There are six different levels of study, from beginner (level 1) to advanced (level 6). A placement test helps us find the best class level for each student. At the end of each four-week session, each student will receive a written evaluation and have a one-on-one with one of their teachers in order to establish an understanding of their progress. Students will finally receive a Language Proficiency Certificate at the end of their studies.

-Teacher instruction, no self-access
-Creative learning activities
-Four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
-Small classes; Maximum of 14 students per class
-Professional, experienced, attentive instructors
-Enrollment every week
-Special services

매주 월요일 개강
[Standard Course]

*어휘와 액티비티로 조화롭게 구성된 과정 매일 4레슨으로 효과적인 어학 공부에 집중하며 남은 시간에 방과후 활동이나 액티비티를 통해 교실에서 배운것을 친구들과 응용할수 있는 기회를 가지는 기본과정
(1주 20레슨/1주 15시간, 1레슨에 45분)
주5일x 4레슨 월-금

Our Standard English Program (20 lessons/week) places heavy emphasis on speaking and listening skills through regular communication. It has been developed to help language students improve their spoken and written skills. We use a comprehensive curriculum that incorporates grammar, vocabulary and idioms, speaking and listening, and reading/writing activities.

Our standard program is taught by professional, qualified, and experienced instructors who make the difficult process of learning a new language fun and creative. We limit our classes to a maximum of 14 students and thus, provide a close-knit learning experience that allows students to engage with our instructors and with one another on a personal level.

Our Standard Program runs five days a week, with a total of 20 lessons. Students have the opportunity to work with two different teachers (one in the morning class and one in the afternoon class) and the most up-to-date, effective textbooks and materials available to ensure quick progression.

***Note: Students choose to study two of the following courses: Integrated Skills, Active Listening or an Elective.

*Integrated Skills
Integrated Skills focuses on the four main English skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - through a “Communicative Language Teaching” methodology. New grammar patterns are learned in the context of a conversation or a real-life situation. Students will engage in various activities to practice English including listening tasks, role playing, and stimulating discussions. Practical reading and writing tasks and vocabulary studies are presented as well in our 6 available levels.

*Active Listening
In Active Listening, students will cover a variety of topics while practicing English conversation management, conversational styles, and pronunciation. Students learn commonly-used idioms and slang in a communicative way. Teachers also use various activities to introduce students to these new idioms including listening tasks, role playing, and context-relevant discussions. There are 6 different levels available for students.

Students of the Super-Intensive English Program are able to choose an elective course that interests them and/or benefits their English goals. We offer a variety of courses including TOEFL iBT Test Preparation, TOEIC Test Preparation, IELTS Test Preparation, Academic Writing, Business English/French, Pronunciation, and others.

*Standard Program Features
Our Standard Program utilizes a comprehensive curriculum with particular emphasis on oral communication - speaking and listening. Our experienced and highly qualified teachers help students reach their language learning goals and improve their conversational skills through a variety of creative activities. There are six different levels of study, from beginner to advanced (determined by a placement test), which helps us to find the best class level for each student. At the end of each four week session every student receives a written evaluation that outlines their progress. Upon completion of study, students are awarded with a Language Proficiency Certificate.

-20 lessons/week
-1 lesson : 45 minutes
-Teacher instruction, no self-access
-Creative learning activities
-Four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
-Small classes; Maximum of 14 students per class
-Professional, experienced, attentive instructors
-Enrollment every week
-Special services
매주 월요일 개강
[Intensive Course]

*좀 더 집중적으로 어학 공부에 매진하고 싶어하는 학생들을 위한 과정. 이 과정을 통해 빠른 시간내에 언어를 효과적으로 습득할 수 있고, 언어구사의 유창성과 정확성을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.
(1주 30레슨/1주22.5시간, 1레슨에 45분) -주5일x6레슨 월-금

GEOS Intensive Program은 읽기, 쓰기, 듣기, 말하기를 기본으로 특별한 언어구사 영역에 초점을 맞추면서 학생들의 적극적인 참여를 유도하여 언어생산 능력을 기르는데 비중을 두고 있습니다. 학생들은 2주부터 12개월까지 다양한 과정을 선택할 수 있으며, 입학 후 테스트를 거쳐 수준에 맞는 레벨부터 학업을 시작하게 됩니다.집중적으로 어학공부를 하고자 하는 학생들을 위한과정/빠른시간내 언어를 효과적으로 습득할수 있으며 언어구사의 유창성과 정확성을 향상시킬수 있는 과정

학교 규모 : 200-250명
수업 시간 : 주당 24, 31시간(월~금)
학급 인원 : 14명
최소 연령 : 18세
수업 레벨 : 기초-고급까지 6단계

***Note: Students choose a combination of Active Listening, Integrated Skills and an Elective for a total of three courses as part of our Intensive Program.

*Integrated Skills
Integrated Skills focuses on the four main English skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - through a “Communicative Language Teaching” methodology. New grammar patterns are learned in the context of a conversation or a real-life situation. Students will engage in various activities to practice English including listening tasks, role playing, and stimulating discussions. Practical reading and writing tasks and vocabulary studies are presented as well in our 6 available levels.

*Active Listening
In Active Listening, students will cover a variety of topics while practicing English conversation management, conversational styles, and pronunciation. Students learn commonly-used idioms and slang in a communicative way. Teachers also use various activities to introduce students to these new idioms including listening tasks, role playing, and context-relevant discussions. There are 6 different levels available for students.

Students of the Super-Intensive English Program are able to choose an elective course that interests them and/or benefits their English goals. We offer a variety of courses including TOEFL iBT Test Preparation, TOEIC Test Preparation, IELTS Test Preparation, Academic Writing, Business English/French, Pronunciation, and others.

*Intensive Program Features

GEOS English classes follow a comprehensive curriculum with a heavy focus on oral communication skills like speaking and listening. Our well trained and highly experienced teachers help students improve their conversation skills through a wide range of creative activities. There are six different levels of study in total, from beginner through proficient and a placement test to put students in the right classes. At the end of each four-week session, students will receive a written evaluation of their progress, as well as a one-on-one session with one of their teachers to discuss their goals. After each three month semester, students receive a report card, and students receive a GEOS certificate when they complete their course.

-Teacher instruction, no self-access
-Creative learning activities
-Four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
-Small classes; Maximum of 14 students per class
-Professional, experienced, attentive instructors
-Enrollment every week
-Special services
매주 월요일 개강
[Super Intensive Course]

*학구적으로 어학습득에 매진하고자 하는 학생들에게 이상적인 과정. 월요일부터 금요일까지 매일 8레슨을 통해 대학을 준비하고 있거나 직무와 관련한 어학의 뚜렷한 목적이 있는 학생에게 강력히 추천하는 과정입니다.
(1주 40레슨/1주 30시간, 1레슨에 45분) 주5일x 8레슨 월-금

GEOS offers a Super-Intensive English Program for those students wishing to study at an accelerated pace. During the morning and the afternoon the students will join the Intensive English Course and after that they will join an elective course available at that time, such as TOEFL preparation, academic writing, pronunciation, etc.

*Integrated Skills
Integrated Skills focuses on the four main English skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - through a “Communicative Language Teaching” methodology. New grammar patterns are learned in the context of a conversation or a real-life situation. Students will engage in various activities to practice English including listening tasks, role playing, and stimulating discussions. Practical reading and writing tasks and vocabulary studies are presented as well in our 6 available levels.

*Active Listening
In Active Listening, students will cover a variety of topics while practicing English conversation management, conversational styles, and pronunciation. Students learn commonly-used idioms and slang in a communicative way. Teachers also use various activities to introduce students to these new idioms including listening tasks, role playing, and context-relevant discussions. There are 6 different levels available for students.

Students of the Super-Intensive English Program are able to choose an elective course that interests them and/or benefits their English goals. We offer a variety of courses including TOEFL iBT Test Preparation, TOEIC Test Preparation, IELTS Test Preparation, Academic Writing, Business English/French, Pronunciation, and others.

*Super-Intensive Features
A GEOS English/French class features a comprehensive curriculum with a focus on oral communication - speaking and listening. Well trained and highly qualified instructors help students improve their conversation skills through a variety of creative activities. There are six different levels of study, from beginner to highly proficient. A placement test helps us place each student in the appropriate level. At the end of each four-week session, each student will receive a written evaluation and have a one-on-one with one of their teachers. This is how we help you monitor your progress. After each three month semester, students receive a report card, and students receive a GEOS certificate when they finish their program/course.

-Teacher instruction, no self-access
-Creative learning activities
-Four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
-Small classes; Maximum of 14 students per class
-Professional, experienced, attentive instructors
-Enrollment every week
-Special services
매주 월요일 개강
[TOEFL/IELTS Preparation]


This course has been updated to help international students prepare for the TOEFL iBT exam to gain acceptance to a North American post-secondary institution. All sections (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) of the TOEFL iBT test are covered extensively by accentuating special skills and strategies that lead to more efficient test taking. With a maximum of 14 students per class, our instructors are able to provide the individual attention each student requires to succeed.

This course will help students:
Increase their overall TOEFL score
Develop confidence and special test taking techniques
Improve Accuracy in Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading

*Course Components
-Textbook: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL® Test: iBT - Second Edition
-Weekly Quizzes: There will be a quiz at the end of each week in each of the four skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening) to monitor student progress.
-Assignments: Students will be given homework assignments to help practice the concepts covered in class.

Our TOEFL Preparation Course is full-time and courses are held Monday through Friday. Students work with our experienced TOEFL instructors, and the most up-to-date, effective textbooks and materials available. We use a two-part approach to the TOEFL Preparation Course. First, focus is placed on improving students’ overall English skill and ability. Students work on vocabulary building, critical listening and reading, essay writing, and speaking. Second, students focus on building TOEFL skills and understanding test strategies in order to receive a better score.

We help students familiarize themselves with the types of questions TOEFL typically covers. At the end of every week, students sharpen their skills by taking practice TOEFL tests - a great way to build test taking stamina and to monitor individual progress and improvement. At the end of each four-week session, each student has a one-on-one counseling session with their teacher in order to develop an understanding of their current strengths and where they need improvement. Upon completion of the course, students receive a GEOS Certificate indicating their achievements.

*TOEFL Preparation Features

-Course Duration: 12 weeks
-Exam fee: not included
-Course begins every week (New York, Los Angeles - every 4 weeks)
-Teacher-lead instruction, no self-access
-Effective practice of the four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
-TOEFL test skills and strategies
-TOEFL resource materials students can use after school everyday
-Creative learning activities
-Small classes; Maximum of 14 students per class
-Professional, experienced, attentive instructor
-1 Lesson = 45 minutes
-Enrollment every week
-Special services

Our IELTS Test Preparation Program will help students develop their listening, reading, writing and speaking skills in preparation for the IELTS® Test. The aim is to introduce students to special test taking strategies that will help them reach their IELTS® test goal. Students will prepare specifically for the listening and speaking modules, as well as the Academic Reading and Writing components. Mini tests will be administered throughout the IELTS Test Preparation Program to track the students’ progress.

Note: Students interested in pursuing an education at an English speaking university or college are expected to do well on the IELTS Test. We suggest enrollment for level 5 and 6 students to be able to manage the demanding nature of this course. Take a look at our course levels here.

This course will help students:
-Improve their listening, speaking, academic reading and writing skills
-Develop test-taking strategies specifically for the IELTS® test
-Improve their IELTS® test scores in all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing).

*Course Components
-IELTS® Textbook: O’Connell, Sue. 2010. Focus on IELTS new edition. England: Pearson Longman
-Class Participation: Try your best to come to all your classes and participate in them
-Quizzes: Your teacher will administer mini-tests to track your progress
-Small Projects: Your teacher may give you small individual or group assignments and homework

*IELTS Preparation Features:

-Course Duration: 12 weeks
-Exam fee: not included
-Course begins every week (New York, Los Angeles - every 4 weeks)
-Maximum Size of Class: 14 students
4주마다 개강
[One to one Course]

*가장 빠르게 어학연수의 목적에 도달할 수 있는 과정. 수업의 형태는 전적으로 학생이 원하는 선생님과의 조율 하에 이루어집니다. 개인 교습 선생님은 GEOS에서 실제로 교수하는 선생님 중 한 분이 되며, 학생이 원하는 바를 개별화하여 수업을 유연하게 스케줄링합니다. 시간도 유동적이므로 다른 코스와의 병행이 가능합니다.

Our Private Tutorials are perfect for students who want to study English with a teacher by themselves, in a small group of friends or if they want to study a very specific topic or language.

Private Lessons are appropriate for speakers of any level (1 through 6) and students can choose their own course content and their own textbooks making this course option highly customizable and suitable for everyone. Private lessons are ideal for people who are shy and wish to study intensively alone, or for people who wish to study a specific subject or topic.
수시 개강
과정 기간 학비
Standard Course(주20레슨) 12주 US $ 3,660
Standard Course(주20레슨) 24주 US $ 6,840
Intensive Course(주30레슨) 12주 US $ 4,620
Intensive Course(주30레슨) 24주 US $ 8,760
Super Intensive Course(주40레슨) 24주 US $ 9,960
TOEFL/IELTS Preparation(주30레슨) 12주 US $ 4,620
Elective Language Courses (선택 영어 수업)
:매주 10레슨 추가 수강 가능한 프로그램.
학급인원 최대 14명/ 7월엔 수강 불가( 주당 $80)
1. Job Application & Interviews : 매달 첫주 월요일 개강
2. Sales & Marketing : 매달 두째주 월요일 개강
3. Business Negotiations : 매달 세째주 월요일 개강
4. Rhetoric & Presentations : 매달 네째주 월요일 개강

기타비용 :
지원료 : $110
숙박알션료 : $200
교과서 : 교내구입
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